~I'm home from the good ol' R-town. I am dead tired, and I've decided that I'm never going out of town again because I miss too much. But just for you here are the Things I Learned in Richmond:
- Richmond is cold in January, wear a coat...and a hat...and maybe gloves...and definitely pants.
- Too much shopping will give you a headache.
- Don't take red pills that look like mini red m&m's.
- Cats named Gato are crazy man.
- No matter where you go, Harry Potter will always be around.
- Ice cream is still good in January.
- Coffee will give you the boost you need to keep shopping.
- Don't use your cell phone while roaming. (I should've learned that lesson in Greensboro...3 hour phone chat while roaming = NOT GOOD)
- Halo was a hard game to grasp...controling that sucker is not easy.
- When your mother and her friend gets drunk off of wine, stay awake to hear them talk or you'll miss your mother being hilarious for once.
- Tell your mother you love her when she asks you to or she'll cry.
- Guys who can cook are AWESOME.
- All guys have porn on their computers no matter what they tell you.
- If you see a hot guy, talk to him...especially when you are in another town when you will never see him again.
- Don't tell someone you'll take them to prom because they just might take you seriously.
*Okay that's all you get for now. Actually that's probably all you get forever because I'm lazy. Haha. Alright, alright, I'll tell you what I bought but that is freaking it and then I'm done:
- my prom dress from Cache YAY!
- my dress for The Odd Couple
- another dress that I didn't even want but my mom said looked good on me so she bought it haha
- sunglasses from Guess
- a purse from Tommy Hilfiger
- fuzzy socks from the flippin COOLEST store Anthropologie
- stuff from Pier 1
*I think that's all...if it's not then oh well. I am going to sleep because I am a tired Sarah.