Aug 19, 2007 20:33
So I go back to school for my Master's on the 22nd. But it's rather strange because I have orientation for my program on Wednesday the 22nd, Thursday the 23rd and then Tuesday the 28th. So I'm going to school Tuesday night until Thursday night, coming home and going back Monday night. And I'm not exactly looking forward to it currently because there are people subletting and therefore a bunch of Rachael's stuff is all over my room and so I imagine it will just be cramped and difficult to put anything away while I'm there. But that's fine because the orientation is like 5 or 6 hours each day, and I plan on walking which will be about an extra hours worth of time each day, and I will unpack some things, but my room will be even more cluttered at first. And then when everyone moves in, people will be moving out, and I don't see it being a very smooth process, but once it's done we'll be all settled.
I'm still not exactly sure what my program will consist of (in fact I haven't even registered for any classes or anything yet) but I guess I'll just have to wait and see. There was a reccommended book they suggested we get, which only cost me $10 (including shipping). Score. I also went to Costco today and stocked up on some food for the year, so that should be nice too. Anyway, I thought this summer would suck and drag on majorly but that hasn't been the case at all. Because of my 3 vacations, it has flown by, and I'm not quite ready to go back yet, but I guess I have no choice! Yikes!