Moving on up...

Jan 26, 2007 22:41

This will probably be short, and in point form because I'm sick and I have no energy... Which leads me to point #1:

- I have tonsilitis and strep throat AGAIN. I woke up on Wednesday with a sore throat. I thought it would go away once I had a glass of water but it didn't. So I stopped and got some extra strength lozenges on the way to work. I went through about half the pack that day. Yesterday it was even worse. I woke up in the middle of last night in so much pain I couldn't sleep. By the time I finally got out of bed my glands were so swollen I could barely talk or swallow. I knew at that point I had to go back to the clinic. Went tonight and sure enough, strep/tonsilitis. The dr said it probably never even went away last time. The meds just made it dorment while it sat in my body manifesting into something worse. That something worse? The huge absess I have in my throat. The dr said it's very worrysome and if I feel it getting any more swollen or I have trouble breathing to go right to the emergency room cuz it'll have to be cut out. Gross. Luckily I'm on a lot of meds which make the pain fairly dull.. but they also make me sleepy and slightly loopy. lol. I called in sick for work tomorrow already cuz I know it's going to get worse before it gets better (from my experience last time). I already planned on calling in sick on Sunday so I can move. Which brings me to point #2:

- I GOT A HOUSE!! Well, sorta. It's not my house per say.. but I get to live there, alone. My great aunt has a 2 bedroom bungalow in Toronto, 1 street away from my Grandmother's. She was put in a nursing home about a year ago and her house has just been sitting there empty since then. She was never married and never had kids so she doesn't really have any family to take care of it for her. My grandmother, and my mom & her siblings, are in charge of her property now. My uncle is the executor. I asked my Nanny if it would be okay if I moved in since nobody is making any attempt to sell the place. I said I'd pay the utilities and any bills I incur, and she said she's totally okay with it. Yay! I went down yesterday and spent the whole day gutting the place. It was SUCH a mess. Obviously there was about 5 inches of dust on every surface since nobody has been living there for a year. Derek came over around 6:00 and helped me until midnight. We ripped up the carpet in the bathroom (it was mint green and so fugly), took out the area rugs in the living room and polished the hard wood floors, and did the same in the dining room. There's still a lot to be done, but it's coming along. I went back today but got very little done since I was so sick and had no energy. My parents are going down with me on Sunday when we take my stuff and they're going to help me finish cleaning. I left 2 of the nastiest jobs (cleaning the over and the fridge) for my Mom. I'm sure she'll appreciate that, lol.

- Ryan is driving me nuts. He is so sweet and such an amazing guy but I think he's relationship-challenged. Like i'll see him then not hear from him for a week, until I text him which I think reminds him that I exist then he calls me. I was complaining on Tuesday to my friend Cory that Ryan hadn't called in like a week. We'd talked a bit online but it was very little conversation. Cory convinced me to text him and just say "Just sitting at work, bored, and thought I'd see how your day was" He texted back and said "Hey babe! Was just thinking about you today. Work sucked. What are u up to tomorrow?" I told him I didn't really have plans and said "Does that mean you wanna hang out or were you just making polite conversation? ;)" and he never replied. So I figured that was a no. Then the next day he texts me and says "So are you coming tonight? Cant wait to see you" i wrote back "I dunno. I'm not feeling so hot and I'm exhausted. Maybe tomorrow?" and he replied "get some red bull then! ;) Well, let me know.." so I wrote back "Tell you what: get me some redbull, prepare to give me a massage and get me a big comfy hoodie to lay around in and you have a deal" Then at 9, when I got off he finally wrote back and said "You coming?" and I said "Did you meet my demands?" and he said "Of course!" So I went over to his place and we had a great night. He put on Grey's Anatomy and laid on the couch beside me and pulled me into his arms. It was so nice. I felt like I belonged there. But then he mentions, very casually, that he might be moving to Calgary, or somewhere out west. Deja Vu: When Jeremy and I first started seeing eachother he pulled me into his arms and said "I care a lot about you, so I want to be totally honest. I'm moving out to Edmonton soon" UGH! It seems that lately I start to care about a guy and he decides to move a couple provinces away. Anyway, as I was leaving Ryan told me he'd love to see me again the next day to watch Super Troopers and maybe go out to dinner. Did he call me the next day? Nope. I texted him and did I get a reply? Nope. So fuck him. I know he's busy with work, he does have a very demanding job.. but honestly, he cant reply to a text message? Ugh.. men.

Soooo this has taken me well over an hour to write because I'm all spaced out from the drugs and I'm so drowsy. I'm trying to stay up for 15 more minutes so I can take another round of pills to help me sleep.

I'll post pics and stories about the new place as soon as I'm all settled :)

P.S The Naked Party was absolutely fantastic. We had a great time! I'll write all about that and post pics next time, when I'm a bit more lucid.

house!! ryan, moving, sick, strep throat, tonsilitis

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