(no subject)

Jan 24, 2006 18:02

I signed up at Goodlife today. I'm so excited to start going to the gym. I'm sure eventually the excitement will wear off though. I have to be hard on myself and force myself to go, even when I feel like being lazy, or the weather is too nice to be indoors, etc etc. I want to look good this summer. I was so embarassed in the Dominican everytime I put my bikini on. I don't want to feel like that this summer. I'm doing this for ME. I want to feel good about myself, and fit into my old jeans. After the car accident I gained some weight since I was fairly inactive (due to the huge amounts of pain I was in) and I haven't been able to get it off. I put off joining a gym until now, mostly because I didn't want to spend the money. My monthly bills are high enough, and I figured I could save $50/month by working out at home. That didn't turn out so well, since I'm lazy when I'm at home, and I'd much rather sit on my ass at the computer then work out. But I finally decided I need to DO something! So I signed up today... I got a great deal thanks to my sister Erin. She's a member there, so I got a family discount. I also put quite a bit of money down (since I have some extra $ right now) so my monthly payments are only going to be $24! I'm hoping the fact that I'm paying for this will force me to use it. Fingers Crossed!!

I felt so good when I walked out of that gym today. Mind you I also felt like having a giant hamburger & fried, lol. Luckily I fought that & came home and made a veggie platter with spinach dip instead. Tonight I have the house to myself! Dan is coming up in a bit, so I'm going to make us dinner. No Fussed Smashed Potatoes

and Mix in the Pan Frittata
. Only 330 calories for the whole meal! I'll probably make some carrots to go along with it as well.

What I really need to do is clean my room. It's still a total disaster. I wanted it to be clean before Dan got here, but that isn't gonna happen. I'll probably just shove everything off to the side for now, and organize later. I'm so lame, lol.

I'm loving this time off. I really needed it because I had a rough weekend at work. Two 10 hour days of me running around and barely getting a chance to sit, let alone eat! I made a huge mistake on Saturday, mostly because I wasn't trained AT ALL in the paper work I was preparing. They like to just throw us to the sharks and hope we survive. I felt bad, but whatever. They shouldn't have put such a huge responsibilty on me when they knew I didn't know how to do it. Anyway, after that I really needed a break. I'm going to spend some time over the next few days looking for a job in the event planing or entertainment field. Wish me luck!

Dan & I got an invitation to a wedding in April yesterday. It's our friends that we went to college with. Both of them were very close to me, they were the people I spent most of my time with (other than Dan, but I've know the 2 of them since 1st year, I met Dan in 2nd year). They didn't start dating until after we graduated, and they're getting married before me! Sheesh, lol. I'm so excited for the wedding though! It'll be great to see 2 people so special to me getting married. :D

Wow, I'm boring!

gym, wedding

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