Jun 14, 2005 12:35
Yah well I made a 66 on my math exam and i knew this before the report card. But my mom didn't. So when she told me I acted suprised. Then she started being all motherly and worried and she was like 'Well don't you want to know what you missed?' And in my head i was like 'oh, I know perfectly well what I missed.' So she calls up to the school trying to figure out and nobody knew, so they called Mrs. Awalt at home. And she calls my mom. So they had a lovely discussion about how I already knew about my grade. So when mom got home from the gym she lectures me (to be expected) about how I made her look stupid and could I imagine what Mrs. Awalt thinks of me now and yada yada yada. Then she was like "you're starting a pattern and if you keep following it, theres going to be a time when you want to do something and we're not going to let you b/c we can't trust you."
After all of that my gpa was 3.8.. how did ya'll do?