In Which I Blabber On About Inane Things

Jan 10, 2006 01:34

Dead or Alive 4 and I are not getting along right now, and by "not getting along" I mean to say that my XBox 360 saved over all my progress save my online record (which, I might add, isn't exactly stellar). Argh, if my thumb didn't hurt so much from mashing those buttons, I'd play some more but for now I'll just stick to Kameo.

I go back to school in a week. I can't say I'm too thrilled about that.

Well, perhaps I should rephrase that. I'll be happy that I'm going to be reunited with my friends, but I loathe the stress levels that I place on myself every semester. Thankfully, I'm taking easier classes this semester (comparatively speaking to the fall) and should be able to put in some quality time reading more Joyce/biographies (my latest obsession) and writing.

I went to Philadelphia with my dad a couple days ago to see an exhibit on Benjamin Franklin. I haven't been there in years, which is sad when one thinks that I spent the first six years of my life living there. Still, I had a great time visiting all the historical landmarks the city has to offer.
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