Oct 14, 2005 17:03
I quote thee:
"I drew the nymph I wrote about last week. It doesn't look EXACTLY like her...because...uh, in my dream she had wings, however, she looked cooler without them in my drawing...plus there wasn't enough space.
Her right foot doesn't have the scratches and wholes because I wanted to ask you guys about it: which looks better?
Anyway, it's an image link which leads to a bigger version of the drawing. 8] hope you like it!!
//Edit: Changed the image link to a thumbnail. Excuse the size... I think it's too small, but I'm lazy.
[insert broken pixelated nymph here]"
Just wanted to know if you still had the picture - it was a broken link in your 5 month old update 8D.
@.@ When I was at school, I stared outside my science class and saw a blowing leaf. O.O Somehow, a random memory of your picci came in my head at that split second~ DDD= And I couldn't remember how it looked like, and I got all irritated and stufffff~ So I searched throuh 5 months worth of your posts, and found it...when I did, it was gone~ *gonks*
Mind IMing or posting a linky to it? =33
Today was also freaky friday =33 I'll post pictures of my outfit if I can~ But zomg! The day was so much fun! During lunch we all gathered infront of the MS offices, and danced to our dance, Freak Out. We first practiced and danced it at CWW - classroom without walls cruise - and we, the 8th graders, confused the insignificant 7th graders into thinking that we just randomly danced to it, like a movie~ 8D The exact same thing happened today, and that was teh awesome! Along with that song, we also played Dillema, some old man song, Bunny Hop, Lindy Hop, The Twist, and...The Mexican Hat Dance! 8D! I requested it, and everyone was spinning...and spinning around the tables and tipping over The teachers- freakily dressed teachers - were also dancing with us =33 fun.
OH. After school, I went to check my grades, and I had...
...I have an overall grade of a...B+, B+, C, C+ DDD= How'd I get a C in SS, you ask?! T^T I was sick one day, and didn't turn something in...i'll give it in on monday, because I actually did the work, but not turn it in the next day~ >w<