Beyond Repair - Roku/Sozin

Jul 24, 2009 09:11

Title: Beyond Repair
Pairing: Roku/Sozin
Rating: G
Challenge: #139 - And it’s growing theavatar100

“What happened to my robe?!” asked Sozin. He was able put his entire arm through the large hole located on the back of the outfit, and did so. The hole was right over the seam.

“Well, it did snag on something,” replied Avatar Roku, thinking back to when he wore it. “It didn’t seem to be very damaged and I was so busy, I put off fixing it. I thought the hole was only tiny.”

“Tiny?” Sozin huffed as he spread the robe out, to show the full extent of the tear. “It’s the size of the Great Divide.”

Roku eye widened. The rip must have grown. “I’m sorry.”

“Why didn’t you asked someone to repair it?” asked Sozin frustrated.

“I didn’t want to burden anyone,” Roku explained.

Sozin frowned. He felt the robe was like his relationship with Roku: damaged beyond repair.

character: sozin, pairing: roku/sozin, slash, character: roku, fandom: avatar: the last airbender

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