Title: Love Letters
Day/Theme: Jan 24 2009 - oh how could anyone not love your cold black heart? -
31_days Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Characters/Pairing: Mai, Ty Lee (Azula/Ty Lee)
Rating: PG
Summary: Mai enlightens Ty Lee about what she believes were love letters to Azula from Zhao
“I wished Azula’s lover didn’t perish at the invasion of the North Pole,” whined Mai unsure of when she would never see her own lover again.
“Lover?” Ty Lee asked her friend. As far as she knew she was Azula’s only lover and she was pretty sure she wasn’t quite dead yet.
“I believe he was an admiral or something,” Mai replied. “He sent her many letters. She always smiled when she read them. I assumed that they must be love letters.”
“Oh, you mean Admiral Zhao,” Ty Lee commented. “I remember her telling me how she enjoyed his letters when she found me at the circus. From what she showed me it seemed like they just shared a common interest.”
Mai’s face brightened slightly. She had wanted to know the details about the letters for a long time.
“Do tell,” Mai instructed. “Maybe they’ll give us a clue to melting Azula’s cold heart. Or give us blackmail material to let us get out of this dump.”
“Oh, I don’t think you’ll find their common interest useful,” Ty Lee said smirking to herself.
“Tell me what it is,” Mai demanded. “I can decide how useful it is for myself.”
“It was how to thwart Zuko,” Ty Lee explained. “She and the admiral wanted to torture him.”
“Oh,” Mai hated to admit it but her friend was right, it wasn’t useful. “I should’ve guessed Azula wouldn’t be into anything good or nice.”
Ty Lee replied baffled, “It was kind of sweet, in a cold hearted way.”