The New Advisor

Jul 23, 2008 01:50

 Title: the New Advisor
Characters: Long Feng, The Earth King and Bosco
Rating: G 
Word Count: 352
Notes: Challenge #113 Twice as sane

The Earth King stood at his throne. His mouth frowning, his eyebrows furrowed. He was faced with an issue that required the advice of his top advisor.

“What do you think an appropriate punishment would be for him,” the Earth King asked his newly appointment advisor.

Long Feng turned around to see the king and the new advisor. The new advisor was sniffing him out. The king was being a fool.

Bosco let out a series of roars; a look of terror struck Long Feng’s face as he saw the Earth King react as if the bear had actually said something intelligible.

“Don’t you think that may be a tad harsh?” The Earth King asked.

Bosco looked at his owner in confusion.

“We can discuss this further before making the final decision.”

“You’re crazy!” Long Feng stated, his voice becoming shrill under stress. “Completely and utterly mad!”

“Really?” King replied, “What do you call the madness you brought upon this city?”

“I assure you, most would think what I did wasn’t even close to half as insane as what you are doing now.”

“Sure, sure,” the Earth King said blandly.

“Well?” Long Feng asked when he realized that the King was likely not taking him very seriously.

“Well, what?” the Earth King snapped impatiently.

Long Feng reconsidered his approach, the king was no longer the youth he could easily manipulate and bully.

Long Feng whispered to the king, “Please consider the fact that he has always disliked me when you do come to your final decision.”

character: the earth king, character: long feng, character: bosco, fandom: avatar: the last airbender

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