Update on cats

Jun 12, 2012 22:18

Named mama cat Cindy. She's a lazy chicken who always ditches her kids and hides when she senses danger (ie. people). Likes to come up to my door and stare at me creepily when she wants food.

The runt of the litter went missing. Kind of sad since it liked me the most. I think it got lost so I'll name it Leon (even though it could be a girl). It's the one on the left:

Jenny has named the grey one Ginnie. It eats the most but is also a big chicken. It's kind of dumb and spazzy according to Jenny.

The other two have yet to be named. This one is the fattest and laziest one. It likes to be pet and usually just lies around on the ground being derpy.

The other one is also lazy. Doesn't really like me but likes to play the most.

So any name suggestions?

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