Jun 29, 2008 15:17
Every time I try to make music, I always end up saying to myself
"Stick to what you're good at, listening."
Every time I throw a movie together, I always end up saying,
"Stick to what you're good at, watching."
I have absolutely no idea what to do after high school.
Or what I WANT to do.
I don't know what I'm good at.
It's funny much can happen in years, months, days.
Lot of heartbreak. Lot of sadness.
Few times of happiness.
I look back at stupid things I did.
And still
I hit myself for them.
One thing I have learned is:
No matter how much you try, you never forget painful things.
And as much as you need to accept them
It's never easy.
Which really sucks.
I feel a little left behind.
Like I'm trying to catch up with everyone.
But it's like I trip all the time.
Like I'm going to be behind most my life.
Life catches up pretty fast too.
And it smacks you on the back of the head.