do the impossible..

Oct 17, 2006 14:29

So things have hit a plateau of difficulty.. which doesn't mean that it gets any easier! haha
Last week was mid-terms, and man.. they sucked.. i even had one yesterday...
So i have a prof that is great.. he really is. Nice guy and he tries really REALLY hard.. but he treats us like we're graduate students.. a research paper every week, observations, projects, quizzes every week, listening quiz every other week.. and i have him for BOTH of the classes that he teaches like that.. grr..

dr. smith called me yesterday. Like most times, she has the ability to knock my blurred vision back into focus. I miss her being there every day.. but the little chickies had to leave the nest.. lol

Im moving into a dorm next semester.. i give up... lol i just can't afford to drive everyday.. and it's not always money.. it's losing 3 hours every day b/c i'm on the road.. not to mention the mileage i'm putting on my car. If i dorm, then i will only drive on mondays, thursdays, fridays and sundays.. and it will be 1 way friday and sunday.. i can handle that. Especially considering i'm jumping up to 21 hours again next semester. I'm ready to graduate and i'm ready to start the beginning of my life.

The school here is great though. I love everyone and the teachers are outstanding. They always tell you the straight up truth, no sugar coating about it. Especially my theory/composition prof.. he told me, literally, that i was "floundering" last week... and it's all because i'm letting everything else get in the way of what i really want to do. Enough is enough. And if i can't take comp next semester then so be it, it's not like i have to take a class to write music.

I miss everyone and i can't wait until christmas so that i can travel and see people again.. :)

as for now, i'm still waiting on some kind of consistency to happen in my life. i'm desperate..
and broke. lol.. no seriously, i am. :-\
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