Nov 23, 2004 22:19
A- a is for AWKWARD... my word that inevitable describes every emotion in one
B- b is for Billy Bob's, the place I will go the most when I turn 18
C- c is for Chelsea- when no one wants to party, chels wants to party
D- d is for Dodge Ram, because thats what I want for Christmas
E- e is for everyone in my life, because i learn from them all
F- f is for family, which by the way, I love mine soo much
G- g is for God. He blesses me everyday.
H- h is for hardcore, the word that describes me according to my friends
I- i is for inebriation.. a hobby of mine
J- j is for Jason- my first love?
K- k is for Katie- Me!!!!! and keg stands...
L- l is for Love, which I have for sooo many people its ridiculous
M- m is for mom, because no matter how much we fight, when i get sick she still answers at my beckoning call
N- n is for definately gets me into trouble
O- o is for not for Owen... lol
P- p is for praying to the porcelin god
Q- q is for quarters...yet another hobby of mine ;)
R- r is for Ryan, he makes me heart melt...for now
S- s is for singing in the car as loud as you can... and dancing too
T- t is for Texas State University- the school I will be attending in the fall of 2005, yeah buddy
U- u is for undying affection, which will be mine, one day ...
V- v is for volleyball, the most fun sport ever created
W- w is for women, because without us, there would be nothing
X- x is for X ibit... lol i dunno
Y- y is for young, which is something that, although i hate to admit it, i still am....
Z- z is for Zeke, the coolest counselor ever!!!!