Jan 07, 2007 04:16
There's only one word for it that even comes close to expressing the direct and highly concentrated feeling of - is it... energy? Sorta like a lifted curse.
Only one word, which I never use because of its negative implications (which are not meant in its current use), springs to my lips as I make a strange discovery of something I had missed, something that happened a while ago, which I was not quite active enough to discover.
It's like that one single, clearly defined, black cloud in my head suddenly sprouted a hole. The one bit of my life where I had let the rarity of my pessimism fully sink in, and lead to a final stoic self-brainwashing to make myself not care, has had a hole poked into it. Maybe I'm just tearing old wounds wide open on some misinterpretation, but maybe - just maybe - I have a reason to keep up hope. On the off chance that I have reason to keep hope, in a message encrypted beyond recognition without later being revealed as a "Ha! see?":
"To be a pious cloud over a troubled world is the greatest pleasure possible, when the earth means so much."