best valentines day EVER

Feb 15, 2006 20:35

ok so everyone knows Valentines isn't exactly my favorite holiday....but this Valentine's will be SO HARD to top!!! First i went to dinner with my girls--abby, becky, and emily. We went to Olive Garden (MMMMM!) and it was sooooooo much fun! Couldn't have asked for better company! :-) After we stuffed our faces, we came back to my room to get ready for the lambda chi cocktail. While Em did my hair, I did some reading for homework and painted my toe nails haha. Afterwards, did my make up and completely got made up...haven't done that in a while (it was kinda fun)!!!! Brett called to let me know he was here, and when Becky opened up the door to outside, there he was with three roses in a vase and a gift!! It was so sweet!!! He got me a book by my favorite author because i happened to mention her one day. Than when we got inside the car, he told me we were going to the movies before the cocktail but we had to stop by his room (he lives in the frat house) to get his wallet because it was somewhere in his messy room. When we got to his room, he was like "well if you don't want to go to the movies, we can always just chill here and have dessert." I look inside the room and there are candles, champagne, two pieces of chocolate cheesecake, and a rose. In the background, my FAVORITE song of all time was playing!!! It was incredible! He bought...BOUGHT my favorite movie, Pirates of the Carribean, so we could watch it!! To TOP IT OFF the rose that was sitting on the was for my roommate Becky because her boyfriend is in Iraq and doesn't have the capability to send her roses and all those valentine's day goodies!!! Can you believe that?! He told me that I had to put the rose on her desk and sign it saying "love Ryan" (Ryan's her boy). I mean...WOW! The dance was so wonderul...he looked after me like if I wasn't having fun, he wasn't having fun. It was wonderful. I have never felt so special in my life. Yeah definitely met him THURSDAY and he did all this to me! And this kid is BRILLIANT! He is getting PAID to come to school here! THey pay for his schooling and his frat and such and gets $5000 to do whatever with! Yeah. He made a 35 (out of 36) on his ACT and a 1560-70 (don't remember) on his SAT! hahahaha...crazy! He is majoring in quantum finance and math and his goal is to go Harvard Law to become a lawyer to be able to support his family and to live on the water. What planet did I land on and when am i going to wake up?! Hahahahahhahaa. Anyways--yeah...i had to share. Best thing anyone's ever done for me...i mean wow. haha! gotta go study. ciao
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