So initially I thought that I'd be really horrified by my old Livejournal posts but as I keep going back I remember really excellent quotes about why Marxism tells us cheating is inevitable and how I met one of the Oscar-Meyer Weiner Mobile girls at a party a couple winters ago. I still hate Perez Hilton and think he is the most disgusting internet celebrity imaginable (not just because he always looks BAD GUTTER but mainly because he is COMPLETELY UNTALENTED!) Actually, post-thought he reminds me of FUCKING SUEDE on PR.
Pro tip Internet: If you are over 18, DON'T USE MANIC PANIC, EVER!
Oh, and to keep going on the pop-culture vein, Project Runway is such a let down this season. Kinsley is like the new Puck from Real World, whatever man she isn't even smart. I am way more into "the savvy strategist". Laura is still the only royal bitch for me. Totally a HARD FEMME!
In other news, I am turning 27 today. The universe has blessed me with 10 extra pounds (but still a very healthy BMI). I am bitching about it a lot but it's just me freaking out because I look normal now and have all this paranoia that I'm going to end up overweight like BOTH of my parents. 27 marks the year where I have to finally manage my ice cream and flaming hot cheeto intake... the day has finally come and well, it's long overdue. I am also getting child support checks from my deadbeat mom from the 90's. That is paying for therapy! Live Oak here I come.
I'm supplementing my eternal single slump with gadgets and puppies so I have a sweet new 16GB iPod touch and am FINALLY getting snuggles at home. Our dog is such a sissy boy but has a FIERCE grill; so feral and wolfish! It's very clear that we're meant for each other. I'm going out for Chiles Rellenos and Margaritas at Perez tonight, DELICIOUS!
Check out the Arthur Russel documentary at the Gene Siskel tomorrow night and the SARAH VOWELL reading at the downtown library. Here is a link of her on the Daily Show!