Mar 21, 2005 16:27
So it the first monday of spring break and I'm at Daddy's office work and practically tidying up the entire thing for them all...well at least I'm getting paid for it....:-D Anyway, Coming back to work tomorrow doing the software instead of the hardware but anyways. Dennis should be back on wednesday which will rock! **much love and joy**!!!! Definitely going to have to be going places with Dennis when she gets back, could use some coldstone....(I'm SO addicted).... and go to the movies etc and maybe even Six Flags if we get the chance...that would be schweeeet! I'll definitely be looking into that...but shhhh don't tell'll be our secret....(as he tell's the world on would flip out it would be great. Aside from this practically everybody has gone somewhere for spring break...But I did play golf for the first time in 6 months and actually shot 81 which for that much of a lay-off was pretty god dam amazing if i do say so myself...okay this is random, I still can't get over the exact same part in Emperor's New Groove when they are going down a river over the giant waterfall....BOOOYEAAAAAAH!...HEHEHEH. I think I might watch that when I get home as it is totally hilarious just for the hell of it, oh yea I love spring break. Okay really Denise needs to come back soon, going to die a most gruesome death otherwise....Tommy is nice to talk to but the the blond stubble just is a no go so insane :-P .......... just in case u missed it here are some more....................weeeeeeee dots....................... okay I'm done now.... "Sorry you have thrown off the Emperor's groove good bye."