Title: Raindrops in her hair
Author: Passionatedarkness
Rating: PG
Summary: Thunder crackles and lightning tears the sky. Breaking it open, flashing memories of little girls shattered and heroes diving to their death spikedawn Challenge: Nature
It was only dripping softly, bathing her skin with dew. Silk diamonds clutching to pearls embedded into her body. Rubies hidden by scars and emeralds crossed with sapphires shielded with pain to ward away the love. Always have to be protected, cant let anyone in. He came up behind her, smirking as she jumped. Thunder crackles and lightning tears the sky. Breaking it open, flashing memories of little girls shattered and heroes diving to their death. He turns her slowly, tilting her chin so her eyes met his. They connect for a moment before she shies away and defiantly yanks her body from him.
“’Bit…” His voice is pained, desperate. For a moment, a fleeting moment she feels like he needs her. Wants her…not the shell she was molded from. She feels tainted, cant let her hero touch her dirty body. Dirty blood, dirty tears, dirty skin. Not the real thing…just fake. He pulls her towards him again, his right arms wrapping around her too-thin waist and his left hand grasping her own. He twirls them gently, and she rests her cheek on his wet chest. His hair was barely gelled, a few strands breaking free. Reaching up, she brushes a strand back, tracing her finger down the beautiful ridges of his human face. She isn’t sure which intrigued her more, man or beast.
“I can’t dance,” She breathes, barely speaking. He smiles, motioning for her to stand on his feet. They dance like that. Thunder crackles and lightning tears the sky. Breaking it open and flashing memories of little girls shattered and heroes diving to their death. And she throws her head back and laughs as the only person left twirls her as the heavens sob.