The bad, the very bad and the priceless ...

May 25, 2008 03:40

The bad...
It quite rare that Japanese confectionery would tastes bad, perhaps it's just not my kinda thing? I didn't like either of these.
There was another brand of green tea from Shizuoka up on sale as well, but I didn't stop to try, prices are quite reasonable.
Maybe I should go tomorrow, or another day, it's on sale till 27th May at Isetan B1.

The very bad ...
I saw my so called "Limited Ed" ASICS shoes at Isetan, right there on the shelf like any other regular model, it's selling slightly cheaper than what I paid for and on top of that was a 15% discount for normal items, including my pair. I'm not regretting my purchase, it's a pair of lovely shoes, but I supposed that Feder place offers good advice like a doctor's or a shrink's. After your initial consultation (with fees duly paid), you understand your own condition, you are free to OTC than go to back to them again, unless there are changes or ill advice was given earlier.

(I appreciate any form of a goodwill discount or at the minimum, charge the "market rates".)

The priceless ...
I picked up quite a few items at Takashimaya earlier during the 10% off Taka card holder sale. When it's time for payment, I couldn't find my Taka card in my wallet, it's not in my card holder either! The cashier was almost drumming her fingers ... I had to abandon everything. -_- 
Should I even go tomorrow again? Considering just how I had to squeeze through the insane crowd ...
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