Apr 22, 2008 03:10
On avg, I get 3 to 4 people from erm 2 particular sites asking me to add them on msn every week.
At times I ignored for obvious reasons;
At times I hesitated but added anyway, and the various types include:-
- We never message each other after adding
(so do you want to talk to me or... not?)
- I got interviewed like a job applicant and dumped after answering all the questions.
(so, I am not suitable for the job? let's delete each other then?)
- We talk like old friends, anything under the sun, revealing little details here and there about ourselves.
(we got to know each other, but never in the direct intimidating Q&A manner)
Where can I find more of type 3 & less of type 2?
I relate better with people who doesn't know me that well, and only a handful has what it takes for me to reveal more than the usual, like my vulnerabilities and insecurities? Even so, it's still just fragments of me that they know. I don't even understand myself entirely, congrats if you know me more than I do.
Lately, my new tagline. "Curiosity Kills the Spawnily"
Knowing each other too well is not necessarily a good thing, worse if you throw in the expectations and demands even as a friend.
Remember this, Familiarity Breeds Contempt.
I'm particularly annoyed by people with endless questions, threatening to pry too deep into me. *get the hint, get the hint*
You have to make me want to tell you if you need to know, to know something which is not necessary for you to know.
You don't throw me a direct question in my face and expect an answer from me.
It doesn't work that way, not with the Spawnily. =)
PS.. I'm so over Madonna..
American Life totally killed it.
Confessions didn't work for me.
I'm not particularly excited with this Candy either ..