kenna tagged!
5 things found in my bag
♂ ipod
♂ dslite
♂ organiser
♂ sebby crude clay
♂ perfumes (atomiser x 3)
5 favourite things in my room
♂ dangles (my monkey softie)
♂ aroma diffuser
♂ bed and 6 pillows
♂ aesop handcream
♂ salt crystal lamp
5 things i always wanted to do
♂ Scubadiving
♂ Japan 365 days tour
♂ Buy a big house with a pool (not here)
♂ Watch BLEACH (Yes, I've not even started ... )
♂ Attend a "chocolate with nuts/raisin" party, invited but no guts to attend.
mollymeek probably knows what's that. :x)
5 things i'm currently into
♂ Thai Language
♂ Sporty Saturdays
♂ MEDIUM - Allison Dubois
♂ Avoiding buffets - please don't call me along ..
♂ Dungeon Explorer : Warriors of Ancient Arts (DS)
5 people I'm tagging