Nov 17, 2006 17:22
それが 錬金術における等価交換の原則だ。
そのころ僕らは、それが世界の真実だと信じていた …。
Heard of 「鋼の錬金術師」 for quite a while, almost 3 years back in late 2003,.but never really got time to sit down and watch.
Of course, 1/2 the time I was besotted by Naruto and subsequently hoodwinked by their stupid fillers (Ep 135 till 210 and still ongoing)
While on that, I wonder if Blue Max will continue to release the Naruto DVDs since it will be fillers from Episode 135 onwards till dono when!
Nevermind, now I can focus on.13DVDs, 51 episodes! 「hagane no renkinjutsushi」