Title: Into The Woods - Immortal!Uncle Dean 'Verse
Divas_Lament Rated: PG
Fandom: Immortal!Dean Universe with a dash of Teen!Mag7 AU
Characters: The Spawn - JD Winchester, Mule Winchester. The Teen!Mag7 - Chris, Nate, Joey, Eddie and Vin. And a very special appearance by Dean Winchester & Richie Ryan
Prompt: Written for
Spawnfic_tuesDisclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators. JD and Mule are mine.
A/N: JD’s friends are Teen version's of the Mag7 boys (sort of) introduced in
Welcome to High School, Little Brother. And just to be clear my JD is not JD Dunne and there is no Teen!Buck.
A/N2: Other spawn adventures in the Immortal!Dean Universe can be found
here Summary: JD and his buddies go on a camping trip to celebrate High School Graduation. Things go south in a hurry.
Chapter list:
Chapter 1;
Chapter 2 Chapter 3