Series: Requiem for a Dream
Title: Fic 2: Disenchanted
did_it_onceRating: PG-PG-13
Characters: Matthew, Michael, Chloe, Sam, and Zoey, Zoey POV
Summary: Part 2 in the Requiem for a Dream series.
Disclaimer: Chloe and Sam are not mine, sadly. They are the property of the CW and others. Matthew, Michael, and Zoey, however, are mine and
xtremeroswellia's. The fic title comes from the song Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance and the lyrics come from the song Life is Beautiful by Sixx: AM, so those aren't mine either!
A/N: Sorry it's taken two weeks to get this up, but, here it is!
It took a funeral to make me feel alive.