(no subject)

Apr 04, 2005 18:56

How be all you good people?

Glad to say that things are back to normal more or less with Alex. We "almost" broke up the other night coz Alex was bein pissed at me for working all the time, i wont comment on it coz i'm no better (previous entries explain why).. but lets just say we've moved passed it. I cant bare to be without her.. kinda worrying coz i've never been so enfatuated with someone, all logic and sense of reason fly out the window when it comes to matters with her. I spend too much money on her (no amtter how much she objects lol). Problem is she is moving to Plymouth in September which really REALLY sucks.. i dont know what to do, I would rather not move coz i love my job and i dont know if i'd be able to get another like it.. i really cant go back to lame admin or customer service work anymore. But it looks like i'll be goin with her, coz i just cant bare to think about living without her... there are moments when she is lying next to me where i love her so much it actually hurts. We cant have a long distance relationship coz it would be too painfull, also i very much doubt she'd stay faithfull with a place full of eligible young men lol. (you know you cant deny that Alex). One thing that really worrys me is socialising.. i'd have no friends except for probably the ones she makes, so then they wouldnt be "my" friends as such.. coz then What happens if we break up? (never know what the future holds).. i'd be stuck in a place where i dont know anyone and moving back once here would be too much hassle... finding somewhere to live, another job.. ergh. Wish the cons didnt outweighed the pros. But.. even with all those risks.. i'm not gonna let it break us.

Speaking of living somewhere, i'm currently lookin for a flat in the Pontypridd Area.. unfortunately the one bedroom places are extorionate, so i'm looking for somebody to share a 2 bedroom place with Alex and myself (me n Al in one, other person in the second room) who can afford around £200-£250pm (amount includes bills).
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