Life just got condensed.

Sep 16, 2004 18:37

Ok first of all.. had a job interview on Wednesday for a place called "GMAC" who do car financing and stuff. Had the interview.. had stupid scenario based questions thrown at me.. got a phone call an hour alter telling me i have the job (they musta been eager).. thheeenn, i went to Toms coz Johnny Mental were playing a gig, n i gotta say.. i cant remember bugger all, n i wasnt really drinking much :/ But from what i can remember, they kicked fkin ass. Met loads of my friends there which was a nice suprise coz i didnt know most of em were even goin... also Maria was there *yumyumyumyum*. Still trying to not become obsessed but we did talk quite a bit.. which for us is a good thing coz we never know what to say to each other lol. Found and spoke to Ric briefly.. cant for the life of me remember what was said.

Anyway.. about my new job, it seemed quite daunting and boring at first.. but after spending the day learning more about it. Its not too bad, its basically fixing problems with documentation concerning car financing that dealers have put forward.. there are dozens of things that could be wrong so it keeps ya mind working.. mindless tasks tend to destroy the soul. Also the male-female ratio is very much in favour of males lol.. n very nice selection too might i add ;). Im gonna try goin with my piercings in tomorrow coz i did notice a few people with facial piercings.. so it can't bother them that much.

Im fkin hungry now.. so, later all!.
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