Oct 20, 2016 17:55
So, the election is a fucking nightmare and I've never campagined so hard against someone while only somewhat supporting the opposition. Like, I go hard in the paint against Donald Trump, because that motherfucker (Or, I guess it would be more accurate to day daugherfucker - yeah, that's STILL FUCKING GROSS) would not only fuck over our economy, not only make it a living nightmare to be an immigrant, not only restrict woman's rights, not only take away what little protections the people have against police brutality, not only elect a Supreme Justice that would be a conservative asswhipe, not only legitimaze actual sexual abusers, but he's also probably get us fucking nuked.
By Canada.
Because that man is fucking obnoxious, offensive, and dangerously ignorant. Like what the fuck, what the fuck
Like, Hillary Clinton isn't my ideal candidate - that would be Bernie Sanders, thanks much, but I will fucking take her over Donald Trump. Talk about the lesser of the two evils.
Okay, getting off the soapbox.
I"m still working on Enternity, I've got about half of the next chapter written and I just moved into a smaller place so all I have is my laptop so for the next three months I'll have more time to work on Enternity because I won't be constantly worrying about how I'm going to afford general life basics like food, water, energy, rent, and cat food. So yay, I don't have to worry about that and can concentrate on getting Enternity finished.
I'm sure I surprised the shit out of everyone on my follow list when I actually posted chapter 21, lol.
hillary clinton,
donald trump,
harry potter