"it'd'nit it'd'nit"

Mar 31, 2007 04:45

Work...anus(aka stinky la tarea), haha...I really want to call Heather and see if she'll come visit, but I dont want to wake her up. Hopefully she'll get enough sleep tonight so we can hang out before she goes to work tomorrow. I can't wait till I go back to working 3-11...not sleeping w/my woman 4 days of the week makes me really sad.I need some damn snuggle time, lol. I guess I'll survey it up. WEENA

1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?All I need is some homies, a street, and stars....
2. What is your greatest fear? Heather dying, just the thought always makes me cry

3. Which living person do you most admire and why?you know...people really suck, except for Heather, she's perfect to me

4. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?holding in my problems

5. What is the trait you most deplore in others? Liars....I can't stand when people try and lie to me...I can always tell and it pisses me off

6. What has been your most embarrassing moment?ummm....nothing really sticks out

7. What vehicles do you own?Heather and I own a Black VW jetta

8. What is your greatest extravagance? magazines and energy drinks, haha...I'm such a big spender

9. What is your most treasured possession? I have a box full of all kinds of stuff that Heather has given me since we started dating...it really means a lot to me

10. Where would you like to live? T-town

11. What makes you depressed? time going by too quickly/growing up

12. What do you most dislike about your appearance? my skin, weight, UTTS,lol....a lot

13. Who would play you in a movie of your life?some sweet ass actor, haha I dunno

14. What is your most unappealing habit? I LOVE ME SOME FARTIN' N' BURPIN'

15. What is your favourite smell?patchouli, dragons blood, and nagchampa incense

16. What is your favourite feeling? that crazy shiz you get in your stomach when your in love, lol

17. What is your favourite band? Tooooo many to pick from

18. What is your fancy dress costume of choice?I can't pick 1...I love dressing up soo much
19. Radiator or air conditioning? air conditioning

20. Cat or dog? Pussy all the way!!

21. Is it better to give or to receive? I looooove to give

22. What is your guiltiest pleasure? sour candy...I have issue, haha

23. To whom would you most like to say sorry and why?I don't say I'm sorry...unless I mean it, and.....I don't

24. What or who is the greatest love of your life?Heather

25. Which living person do you most despise and why?no one is on my list at the moment

26. Have you ever said “I love you” without meaning it?yes...but thats in the past

27. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?weena, pot luck supper, mew

28. What has been your biggest disappointment? I'm disappointed every day when I wake up and there isn't a crisp 10 spot under my pillow just because....but even more so I was really disappointed to find out I had to work in order to pay bills...it sucks, haha

29. What is your greatest regret? high school relationships...wasting so much time on life lessons

30. When and where were you happiest? My bedroom at my parents house...the night heather told me she liked me....I'm talkin 6 months of fireworks going off inside of me all at once....the happiest I have ever been in my life

31. When did you last cry, and why? I think it was the other night, I was really over-tired and thought about my sex ass dying and the emotions just took me over haha

32. How do you relax?yoga, long steamy baths while watching the L word haha, drives w/Heather, MUSIC<3, sex.....sex.....sex....roast beef dinner??

33. What single thing would improve the quality of your life?Gay marrige being legalized

34. What do you consider your greatest achievement?finding love

35. What keeps you awake at night?everything, I'm a really light sleeper

36. What song would you like played at your funeral? I dont want to think about that shiz...I'm not ready to die

37. How would you like to be remembered?For being one sassy ass lady, haha

38. What is the most important lesson life has taught you? ignorance is bliss...unfortunatly I know how to use my brain
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