Ahahaha cool.
@hollyoaks tweeted at me today! They're going to find out who Cameron Crighton played in Deathly Hallows.
Had another long conversation with Chris last night. Things are better. Not great but definitely better. One week from today we'll be leaving for Florida AND HARRY POTTER LAND. I will not stop calling it that. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is just too much of a mouthful.
Had one of those weird dreams last night, the ones that don't seem weird until you try to explain them. There was a race kind of like the dog agility races, only it was with ducks. You had to run behind a duck and scare it through all these obstacles. When it came time for my turn, the ducks had all disappeared, so I went in search of a substitute. At first I used a moth (it flies; makes sense) but it was too small for the judges to see. Then I went and stole my friend's bassoon. For some reason this was acceptable. Unfortunately, she was accompanying people at a music competition that day and got pissed at me when she realized I had stolen it.
Project of the day is figuring out what's wrong with our wireless.
30 day music meme, day 13: a song no one would expect you to like.
The Music - Getaway
the music - getaway
Found at
This whole album is really awesome, and very against the type of music I normally go for. It's kind of a fusion of rock and techno and very high-energy and just really unique-sounding. I just watched the music video for this song and wow, the band looks nothing like I pictured them to. That's always a surreal experience for me.