Oct 07, 2004 21:20

last week i was eating some free food in the park, when i was approached by a guy who asked if i listened to rap music... although i am now wondering why, of all people, he asked ME, a small white girl wearing a cardigan and one of two shirts i own that have cartoon alligators on it.. anyway, he said, "i'm first degree," and i'm thinking "sweeeet...." so we talk for a minute about how he's from california and trying to get on the radio here, and then he gives me his cd...

but first degree was not as fierce as he appears on the cover, he acted more like the image on the back of the CD as he asked for my phone number and PUT ME ON THE GUESTLIST FOR HIS SHOW:

MAN... unfortunately, i did not wish to be the subject of songs like his past hits, "open wide," "swallow it," or my personal favorite, "white girls on drugs (leave them drugs alone!)." too bad i didn't go to his concert, because according to one amazon.com reviewer, he is "a lyrical genius," that is, "a lyrical genius for those who are into pure lyrical genius he is the man for you, I mean how many cats do you know that can rhyme the word entrepaneur this cat can no sweat also for those with a nice set of 15s in their trunk like me he slaps thunder trunk rattlin gorrilla in the trunk beats."

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