Free Key ring...

Feb 19, 2011 19:50

Free Key ring...
Originally uploaded by spatts5

Of course I had to buy a new car to get it. I had a Nissan Xterra and as much as I loved it, I just didn't need an SUV, plus it wasn't the best on gas I traded it in for a Nissan Sentra with much better mileage. I lowered my monthly payment and I'll also save on gas which will help with my finances. It's only been a few hours, but I'm liking it more and more. Just not sure how long I'll wait before giving a Jake a ride in it....gotta keep that "new car smell" as long as possible (if you'd like, click on the picture to see the car).

I'm getting my rear in gear! Just registered for my first 5K race in 2011 in March. It's to benefit awareness of colorectal cancer. Of course I don't enter to win, just to run for a good cause.
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