[Prussia finally started moving. He is almost at Cherrygrove City, but it took him longer than usual because he used most of his time to train Fritz, gaining three levels in the process. He would train more but it suddenly got freaking cold so they had to take a break until the weather got better. He is currently sitting under a tree, with his Pokémon next to him and a campfire in front of him. The fire was courtesy of the Houndour's ember.]
Thanks, Fritz. If it wasn't for you the awesome me would probably be freezing.
[He pats Fritz's head and stays silent for a moment, just observing the fire. But all of sudden he hears a noise. It sounds suspiciously high-pitched. A human? No. A Pokémon? Not one, a lot of them. He just doesn't know it yet]
Hoppip! Hoppip! Hoppip!
[And now he knows, as soon a cluster of Hoppips go flying past him. Not really flying, more like being blown by the air currents but he guesses that both could work. Obviously he never saw anything like that so after the initial surprise he immediately tries to chase them, being followed by a barking Fritz. The Hoppips get scared at the barking and try to get away as soon as possible. Sadly, Prussia doesn't have enough time to catch one of them]
Hey! Come back here! Hey! Oh well......If you don't want to belong to the awesome Prussia then it's your own loss.