Sep 05, 2005 00:06
True story from when I got back from LJ.... That would be around August 14th(ish)
I met my R.A - Kimberly. She seemed really nice. I saw her around campus alot - so I thought it was pretty cool that she didn't just stay in her room all day long. I would say hi to her in the hall - and then a few minutes later see her somewhere else.
5 days later I found out she has an indentical twin, who is her roommate. FOR FIVE DAYS I DID NOT KNOW THIS. FIVE DAYS. I just thought she was always around..
I still can't tell them apart. I'm working on it though.
I'm doing my laundry, and it cost me 3 dollars to just wash my laundry. Another 3 dollars will go down the drain to dry it all. Six dollars to do laundry. *sigh*