(no subject)

Jun 21, 2006 13:44

Attention to all. I've decided to quit my blog. Why? Because, i've said soem really bad stuff on here. I didn't mean any of it , it's just ranting. So I don't actualy say anythign IRL (in real life) and hurt someone...So, i've deicded, since i'm older, i can get a better control on my anger. Von voyage.

To explain:

My mom found my LJ. She's surrpiseingly understanding, and even allowed me to explain myself.

Which is rare. If you know my family.

But, still, i cannot take the chance of say...anyone else BUT mom, looking up my LJ. And, well. There. No mroe rants about how bad I think mallory and my family are.

I've left a few tidbits for you people. To remember me by. (if you knew me at all)

I will answer soem questions before I leave.

Do I still absolute hate mallory with a firey apssion that will NOT die?:
No. I never did. I didn't want to hate her, i knew if i carried that anger, i would. Soon my annoyance, would turn to pure hate. So i created this blog. But I do not hate my sister.
I'm angry with her. Oh yes, constantly. That will never go away. Just look at my parents.
Point is, you'll never stop argueing with your siblings. That battle, you will take to your grave.

Do I still like some of the thigns I like:
Yes. of course. I've even prepared a list.
Hentai: Uhm..never liked it to begin with.
Yaoi: Errr....I only ever wrote one yaoi fic, and that was for a contest which I didn't win. So, no. I do not.
Yuri: Uhm...what? Ew.
Fantasy: Yes, yes and YES.
anything involveing fae: Yes.
Lore: YES.

Are you, or have you ever been, Into wicca?:
Once, but I was like...9..I thought it was just play. I thought i was sooo fuckin' cool. Oh well, poof, big surprise, you can go to hell for that one. Eee, that's a no no, hm?

Are you actualy Bi?: Uhmm..No. If i said that, I'm a two faced liar.
Just for the record, I am not, nor have i EVER been gay.
Do you like boys:
Yes, Crotches are always better with the extra attachments.

Is all that juink about harvest true?:
Well, yes it is. But ti dosn't bother me anymore. In fact, i find i care about very very little.

What if your mom finds you journal again?:
And that would be relevent to this discussion how? She's already read everything, and if not,m well, i don't remember anything that was in it.

Yiou....you lied to me!:
I probably did. Mmm.

One last rant for the road hmmm?:

Famiyl Based Rant: 
I am sick, and tired, of Mom and Dad argueing over WORDS! Every week dad comes stomping down into the den, looking like he's going to KILL someone. And grabs a dictionary. Now, when he does that, I INSTANTLY know, he must have said Po-tot-toe, Instead of Po-tay-toe.

And I am seriously not staying at home for colledge. I have enough trouble doing ym homework with Mom screaming almost all the time.

Siblings BAsed Rant:
Okay. I'm about to smack both my brother and sister. As neither one of them can seem to let one the other says, GO! let it go! Or I will slap you with your own ass!!
Okay that was gross but still. I can NOT get my work done. AT ALL, because mom has to scream at mallory and Erik. Erik, because he wont pay attention and gets half his answers wrong, MAllory, because she is constantly disrupting class.

And they NEED to stop. Mom can NOT spend one more day in this house, I wont let her. If two thigns would happen, we would ALL be SO much happier.
One: Mom gets out of the house more.
Two: Mallory AND Erik, learn to SHUT THEIR YAPS! -grabs tape- Bring it!

General Rant:
OH and byy GOD! If mallory, just one mroe time, asks me about how I feel about "blah blah blah DAVID" I will hit her.

"How do you feel abotu David?
Do you wish David were here instea dof dad?
Who do you like better?
Does mom still like David"

it dosn't bother me. Shit. I could NOT care ANY less about wether or not David came to this house. he's just like uncle Ben. A family friend.
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