um I don't really have much advice. I far prefer the look and feel of classic cruisers, so I haven't even really test ridden a modern BMW. About all I know about em is they do a nifty trick with brakes. Normally the right grip is front brake and right toe is rear brake. You get like 70% of your braking from your front brake, so lots of people (mistakenly) use only it, which can be dangerous in turns and if you really need to stop fast and aren't in the habit of using both brakes. Anyhow, BMWs split the front and back on both locations, so the grip gives you like 70% front and 30% back, and the toe gives you 70% back and 30% front, which means you can be sloppier and just use your grip most of the time. I still wouldn't advise it but whatever. I guess my advice would be for her to take the MSF. Seriously do this.
she likes the more classic look too. actually, so do i, though the mid-nineties were still pretty nice. ok they're all nice.
BMWs are pretty attractive, looking at their website. Not so crotchy.
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