(no subject)

Sep 25, 2007 10:24

So we fly from Venice into frankfurt then bus it to the train station but the bus ride was about two hours longer than we were expecting so we missed the last train to munich. This is where plans were changed due to our time frame we had to stay the night in frankfurt and just go straight to berlin the next day.

Here we are:

Welcome to Germany!

Now we're in Alexanderplatz.

A lutherian church by the lustgarten. The Lustgarten is a big grassy park area for the royal palace and during his time hitler tore it up and  filled it with concrete and that is where you see all the footage of him giving his speeches. And after HItler they put all of the greenery back!

we hadn't seen grass in like two weeks so we rolled around in it for a few hours.

A mural in our hostel that I loved cause our hostel was called The Heart of Gold.

We took a walking tour of major places in Berlin:

This runs through the streets marking where the wall would be standing if it still were.

A memorial to victims of war and treacherary. Its a mother holding her child.

Checkpoint Charlie

The biggest section of the wall left

This is the place above hitlers bunker where he killed himself. there is a teeny plaque on the ground near the street saying it. Hope he enjoys his parking lot.

The memorial to Jewish victims of war.

Walking through it, the ground goes up and down, the blocks are all different sizes, and its made so you have to walk single file through it. It's to try and make you feel lonely and chaotic like they did. It was pretty impressive

The Brandenburg Gate

After dinner

We went and saw the Reichtag.

The next day we went to a concentration camp tour of Sachsenhausen

"the green monster" some prisoners would have to come here and serve the gaurds drinks and stuff when they were off duty.

The entrance.

Arbeit macht frei= "work will set you free"

"the roller" prisoners were forced to drag this around to level out the ground and if one fell they were to continue and roll over him

A rebuilt sector of the death strip

"will shoot without reason"

The bunkers, as soon as they turned this into a museum some neo-nazis jumped the fence and fire bombed it. The end of it is now held up by and metal supports and the roof on the inside is scorched. They didn't fix it because they wanted to show how nazi actions are going on even today.

the beds

The prison inside the camp

The foundation of the cells.

A jewish tradition, rather than roses because rocks last longer.

The ruins of the cremetory. The ovens are in this picture.

the medical research building where they would experiement.

After Berlin we went to Amsterdam to fly home. We didn't take many pictures of amsterdam since most of the places we would have didnt allow cameras, like the anne frank haus or the van gogh museum.

In the museum square.

the buildings were all slanted and looked like they were falling over and one point then they were cemented to the one next to them. it was really bizarre.

Amsterdam was surreal just cause all the no-nos at home were acceptable. Oh man you should have seen all the half naked chicks dancing in their windows. Not even in the red light district (which was insane)

Berlin is a place I can see myself living in at one point in my life though. It reminded me alot of portland actually.

Oh and when we got home we had little presents waiting for us.

Heathers cat. She named him Millau. It was a city in Europe.

She's mine. I named her Nyphadora but we call her Tonks. :)
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