(no subject)

Aug 27, 2007 23:10

I have an interview for tomorrow, but I don't want to jinx it so I'm not going to talk about it.

We might have a new roommate too.

So I got bored and decided to put up pictures of Europe for those who haven't seen them. I don't know if I will get through all of them in one entry since uploading and resizing gets boring but I didn't put all of them up (you should thank me)

On our first day in Paris we decided to hit the Eiffel Tower and The Louvre, we were so exhausted by the end of it that I actually feel asleep in the Louvre. I got hiccups on a very echo-y staircase too but thats another story...

The Tower in all its glory.

The line to take the elevator up to the top. We climbed the stairs cause we're young and cheap.

This is an image that each of us got some variation of. I love the heart in the middle of it.

We got so picture happy we took pictures of people taking pictures :)

My partners in crime from left to right, Gillian, Heather, Me, Kendra

Welcome to the pretty park outside the louvre, complete with ferris wheel.

Welcome to The Louvre.

We saw a bunch of cool things including, a sphinx, the Mona Lisa, Venus De Milo, and Heather and I walked through a moat in the basment.

The next day we hit the Bastile, Notre Dame, and the Arc De Triomphe

This is the Arc, it's a monument for all the soldiers killed in the war. Or thats what I was told.

Some cute kids on top of the Arc

And Notre Dame in its gothic beauty. I must have 50 pictures of this place at least on the inside and out. This is the back of it, it looks like it could be a completely different building in the front.

Probably a good third of those pictures are of the gargoyales, I was obsessed with them for some reason. There was so many and each was different.

A play in the park behind the cathedral, too bad it was all in French. Or at least what little they said was in French.

We also hit the Moulin Rouge, I'm not sure what day it was and I'm too lazy to go look. I'd love to see a show their sometime but the tickets are expeeeeeeeensive.

Yay two hours of train station waiting then its off to Barcelona!

Now I need to go upload pics of Spain onto photobucket.

gargoyles, eiffel tower, louvre, paris, notre dame

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