Last Thursday through Sunday I attended a PSI Seminar in Portland, OR with my stepmother & sister. Yes I was wary, however, I didn't pay for the course it was purchased for me as a "gift". The schedule went something like this:
Thursday: 6pm to 12am (One 20 minute break)
Friday: 6pm to 12am (One 20 minute break)
Saturday: 10am - 9pm (Two 20 minute breaks and one "working" lunch)
Sunday: 9am - 8pm (Two 20 minute breaks one of which is an "in room" break to sign up for seminars and one "working" lunch)
Due to the temperature of the room (freezing) I made sure to wear my hoodie and stay warm the entire time. As it was difficult to get dinner Sat & Sunday I spent my breaks in the lobby or in the hotel room eating apples to stay full. I also did this to get time to myself because being around 60 strangers on an emotional rollercoaster for 4 days with little time to yourself other than to sleep is overwhelming.
The ideas or "tools" they teach I believe are positive for the most part. WIN-WIN, GIVERS GAIN etc. It's the methods they use to teach the "tools" that I absolutely don't agree with. Lectures are fine but food deprivation (one lunch and only 20 mins for dinner where you were highly encouraged to stick around and talk with others), sleep deprivation (due to physical,mental/emotional exhaustion) and being made to sit in a physically uncomfortable room for extended periods of time I don't agree with. The chairs were uncomfortable and the air conditioning on - it was 30 degrees outside airconditioning was SO not necessary. The perceived option to "choose" to participate in the program/"tools" was given however there was no mention they would be given to you in a reduced/vunerable mental state.
Interestingly enough the Psychologist Robert Jay Lifton identified the various steps used in brainwashing or in this case I think PSI calls it "reprogramming". Wow PSI Seminar's really must have liked what Lifton had to say about former Korean & Chinese war camp prisoners because they used each and every one of these:
1. Assault on identity - Went through a meditative exercise - to literally break down. By mid session of the first day pretty much the entire group was crying men and women. Some people were outright sobbing. You are not a bad person - you are a set of learned behaviors from your parents - and your parents their parents etc. I'm fairly certain 60 strangers sobbing in a room is abnormal.
2. Guilt - Meditative exercises - some with another person to discuss/reflect on "broken agreements" with yourself and others and how that makes you "feel" - this also resulted in most of the room sobbing.
3. Self-betrayal - Exercises and lecture going into detail about "broken agreements" and staying true to your "word" to avoid "broken agreements" because broken agreements only hurt yourself and others.
4. Breaking point - By the 2nd & 3rd day some of the group had some sort of "break through" and felt the need to share. Some people shared that they were confused at the point. Other people would periodically cry for no apparent reason.
5. Leniency - After two days of crying on and off, lectures & group exercises we were informed that the "tools" we would need would be taught to us
6. Compulsion to confess - 2nd day we were all asked to stand up if we broke any of the "agreements" such as eating during a session, chewing gum, side talking etc. This went on until every person in the room was standing due to a broken agreement. Basically admit what you've done wrong so you can be helped. Interestingly enough, many people "broke agreements" with themselves and didn't stand up right away when they knew they had broken an agreement.
7. Channeling of guilt - Meditative state flipping through past "piles" of "broken agreements" in addition to a lecture of identifying you're negative feelings and attaching them to past "broken agreements" to yourself and/or others.
8. Releasing of guilt - Lecture & meditative state you can change your "programs" now by locking your old programs away. Now that you are aware of your programs you can now be truly accountable. Before now you didn't know better and were not responsible for your "programs" yadda yadda
9. Progress and harmony - You can choose to be + or -. Use + I am statements and use the tools (visualization) they've provided. There were various exercises that encouraged + feedback verbal & physical (hugs)
10. Final confession and rebirth - Meditative state - reflection of who you really are - shedding of the old hard,putrid,crusty you with "broken agreements" to the new shiny white light suit wearing better person.
If the above is done without ones true understanding or consent (whether it be for
a perceived good) it's not really fair is it? I think there are better (more
consensual) ways to incorporate these types of values on others' lives without
resorting to the LGAT methods PSI has to offer.
That said, I had a good time at PSI and was very thankful I was there with my family. At times it was extremely uncomfortable (one exercise involved yelling and being yelled at by multiple people) and I left physically and mentally exhausted so having family there was certainly a relief. I will say that there were very noticable changes in a few people in the class (for the better). I still feel pretty tired from it all and know it will take me a few days to decompress.
Is it a cult? According to a cult is the following: a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc. I guess that means yes. But Then it also means I work at a cult and that people at the store are a cult because they all have a veneration for groceries. HA I don't even know what veneration means.
How nice, I participated in a LGAT cult that attempted to brainwash me into being a better person. Interestingly enough the person that was our sponsor was my stepmother's shrink. I'm sensing a big conflict of interest here. In fact our sponsor brought in more people to the seminar than any of the others and now that I think about it many may have been her own clients. I didn't opt into the additional PSI seminars they offered for $3000-$4000 however there were people that did in the class.
There is a "graduation" (ie recruitment) ceremony in Tacoma on Thursday. I was going to go. Hell I even invited Lady to come for the graduation without really thinking about what the hell I was doing at that moment (please smack me for that one). I walked by the schedule laying on the bed in the hotel room while I was on the phone with her and without thinking was like HEY you should totally come next Thursday. (SMACK SMACK SMACK) Instead I'm opting to use my PSI tools against themselves and choose replace PSI with better things like....friends and food on Thursday.
My stepmother has been on the phone rounding people to go up on Thursday. I called my dad and let him know the worst thing he could do right now is argue with her or be negative about her experience at the seminar since it would just reinforce everything she learned.
Would I recommend PSI Seminars? I recommend the tools not the methods used to teach them so at this point after much reflection yesterday and it's probably not for most people although I can (and have) see how some people can benefit.
All I have to say is that I LOVE FREE ORGANIC APPLES. I LOVE MY HOODIE. I LOVE MY STRONG WILL. I LOVE MY SANE BRAIN (even if it momentarily lapses) *edit* and last but definitely not least I LOVE LADY!!!