Yeah, I know it's a miracle, right? Two posts in one day. Don't get used to it. It's just that I'm angry and it's too late on a week-night to call anyone, but I need to rant and get this out of me in some small way.
So I'm sure you all think I'm just exaggerating when I talk about how much I can't stand her and I'm sure if you met her (for more than two seconds, Marlene), you probably would think I'd made it all up as she would be perfectly friendly, if a bit excessively chatty. And that really is enough for me to dislike her as it is, i.e. the fact that she never Shuts. the Fuck. Up. Or turns the volume down, I might add. But that is not my only complaint. Because underneath that fake friendly exterior is a horrible two-faced bitch. And really, that trait does not mix well at all with the obnoxious loudmouth tendencies. Despite the fact that she considers herself some sort of lay genius, she never seems to have learned that "talking behind someone's back" is not to be taken literally. She is just so self-centered that it doesn't occur to her to even think about anyone who isn't literally right in front of her.
Okay, so the point. Because she cannot stand to NOT be talking for any extended period of time, she often/always requires my brother to keep her company in the bathroom while she showers (not in the shower though, ew) so that she may continue her nonstop one-sided conversation. I always wondered if she thought the bathroom was somehow magically soundproof, or she just didn't care. Because I can VERY MUCH hear her. In my room. Across the hall. With two closed doors between us. And the shower on. And probably a tv or music in my room as well. Generally it is just annoying to have to hear her voice at all, but, on occasion, what she says will be as offensive as the sound of her voice.
Well, tonight is the night my mother finally had the misfortune of overhearing one of these. Or should I say several. The bitch was talking about various things that involved my mother. Things she's never bothered to actually bring to the attention of my mother herself. She just assumes my mother is some incompetent: losing bills and unwilling to pay for repairs around the house, etc. My mother may be one of the messiest people alive (which Carol also apparently touched on), but she is not senile just yet and she is never stingy with money, if she can afford it. Not to mention, this is her fucking house, wherein they have been living completely for free, only having volunteered to pay a few of the bills out of their own free will and not by any demand of my mother's.
Also apparently she was saying that I was telling her I want an artificial tree for x-mas, which, NO. I've always been against it. I think they're pointless if you're going to have a tree at all. I might have briefly mentioned to her my long-held intention of forcing my mother to get a smaller tree, but that's it. But apparently she just thinks that's all stupid or wants no part of it or whatever. And my mother is much less impervious to these things than I am. She actually tries to give them the benefit of the doubt and avoid conflict, particularly as Carol is always so sweet and friendly to her face. The thing is. They had to have known she was in the computer room. The computer room is RIGHT NEXT TO THE BATHROOM. In fact, the shower shares that wall. But, once again, they just forgot that there are other people living in this house.
Unfortunately, I was out at the time. I'm pretty sure if I had been forced to listen to all of that I finally would've snapped and knocked on the damn door and yelled something inappropriate. But no, I just had to see my mother's sad, disappointed face as she tells me about it later. And there's nothing I can do about it. My mother won't call them on it, and they still have to live here and I'm just going to have to walk around with this vaguely nauseous feeling for the next week.
Okay, I'm done. For now. Sorry for all the sentence fragments.
There's a poll in my last entry that you should go and take if you haven't already. Because I'm obviously incapable of making decisions on my own.