Guys, our evil plan to alienate Jamie out in Illinois and bring about her DOOM is underway! Prepare the weapons for July! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Just kidding. JAMIE CAN YOU SEE THIS???
For public knowledge: I'm not working now. Because the universe would really be off-kilter if I managed to stay on the ball for more than one freaking month. I'd had another temp assignment set up the week after I finished at ETS. I went into their office to fill out some paperwork and the woman tells me the one I'm signed up for is at a lower pay rate that I was previously told but they have another assignment at the same place (grading standardized tests) starting a week later with the pay I'd originally been told. So I say sure I'll take a week's vacation so I can get paid more later. So I relax all the next week, preparing to start work the next Tuesday. I get a call FRIDAY AFTERNOON telling me I actually can't do this job cause the rules suddenly changed and you had to have worked on some assignment in March. Which is just bullshit. Of course that other job had already started and there were no other new ones starting up anytime soon. And now I have no idea what to do because anything I take now might run into our plans for early July.
So I'm back to square one. Again. At least until I get back from NY.
In other news I ordered the Venture Brothers DVDs and I'm highly excited. If only they'd fucking arrive already. Oh! And there was this funny HP bit on Robot Chicken the other night that everyone should
check out (Boo. For some reason they skip the beginning with Malfoy).