Nov 03, 2005 15:07
This pretty much speaks for itself. I found this on the "Mountain Brook for Mafia" group on Facebook.
This group is strictly for those that have been blessed to grow up in the fine little kingdom of Mountain Brook, Alabama. Not only is the zip code one of the top ten wealthiest in the nation, but Mountain Brook also harbors a uniqueness that is one of a kind. Home to Courtney Cox, the Mountain Brook gene pool is impeccably beautiful, smart and universally recognized. We all grew up together, our moms know each other and were in Junior League together, we were on the same swim team or in the same play group at one point or another. We grinded together at drunk leadouts, played and owned the MBHS Mall and understand how special Gilcrest limeades are. Our houses have been featured in Southern Living or Southern Accents magazine at least once. You know you are originally from Mountain Brook if your name isn't common. Most of our names are old names from our grandmothers, aunts, uncles or other prominant members of the family- which make our names sometimes hard to understand, complicated, odd, or even hard to pronounce. When we were younger, most every summer was spent at a four week camp doing cool stuff, and the rest of the summer we were charging grilled cheeses and ice cream to the country club account. When not in one of Mountain Brook's three villages we are at our lake houses on Lake Martin eating Zoe's chicken salad. Jemison Trail, BCC, SportsFirst and the recent Andrews is where we all choose to workout. Mountain Brook was the first to discover Seaside,FL. We hate Vestavia (wanna-be's), and the rest of Birmingham wishes they were from Mountain Brook so they choose to call us "Brookies". No one from MB is a gel head, and our parents are still huge frat all-stars. It's an unwritten rule that you have to marry into MB or just be from there-you can't just move in. There are no black people there, but we all love them because one helped raise us. Highland Park is no competition (according to a recent publication) We get our hair done at Richard Joseph. We have to go to La Paz and Surin everytime we go home, and our favorite bars are Otey's, Open Door and Innes Free. So if you grew up in Mountain Brook, join the Mafia.