Mum's nagging at me cos I didn't bring in my cup to the kitchen after drinking -_-""
Hari Raya celebrations have been pretty good so far, although I'm eating much more than I'm supposed to. Yeah I can't seem to enforce self-control upon myself :( I'll *try* do so when we go visiting later.
Green packet earnings ($$$) have been pretty decent so far :) BUT I'll only get 2/3 of the total amount, despite my attempts to ask my father to up the amount ^^
Danial's leaving on a 19-day trip to Europe tomorrow!!! Lucky boy!!! *envious* I told him to get me postcards from Amsterdam and Austria. He said that I don't have to pay him. But I insist on repaying him the necessary amount :P
Btw: Thanks Kevin, Danial,
Sharifah, Nadiah, Val and
Chrissie for those Hari Raya smses! :) Plus the rest for your Hari Raya wishes!