Mar 24, 2005 12:58
I'm at the hospital right now. I'm waiting for two hours before my appointment. How much does that suck? A whole bunch! I had a math test today at 7:10am. That's very early but I have to get up earlier than that everyday so it's not that bad. So, I did my test - I think i did ok but we'll wait and see to be sure. Fingers crossed.
I'm trying to get things sorted because i need to switch to a NS medical card. I phoned them up yesterday and I get to keep the same number I used to have [I lived in NS before I moved to NB, so I still have a de-activated med card.], that makes it so so sooo much easier and faster, to get it all filled out. i still need to photocopy my birth certificate so I can send it to them once they fax the damn form. They were supposed to fax it last night, and I waited forever and the daft lady still hadn't faxed it! Arg. I bet she didn't know how to use it. No worries, I'll call at 4 and get someone else to fax it.
My hands are hurting. Well, wrists to be exact. They were hurting on Tuesday too, but that's because of the arm bike I had to do for 15 mins at physio [which I hafta do today aswell =/]. Puh-puh-pooey!
I stole this from rogue026. mine comes out to be DORFUS POTTYPANTS! Whats yours?
Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name:
a = snickle, b = doombah, c = goobar, d = cheesey, e = crusty, f =greasy,
g = dumbo, h = farcus, i = dorky, j = doofus, k = funky, l = boobie,
m = sleezy, n = sloopy, o = fluffy, p = stinky, q = slimy, r = dorfus,
s = snooty, t = tootsie u = dipsy, w = liver, x = skippy, y = dinky,
z = zippy
Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:
a = dippin, b = feather, c = giggle, d = burger, e = chicken, f = barffy,
g = lizard, h = waffle, i = farkle, j = monkey, k = flippin, l = fricken,
m = bubble, n = rhino, o = potty, p = hamster, q = buckle, r = gizzard,
s = lickin, t = snickle, u = chuckle, v = pickle, w = hubble, x = dingle,
y = gorilla, z = girdle.
Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:
a = butt, b = boob, c = face, d = nose, e = hump, f = breath, g = pants,
h = shorts, i = lips, j = honker, k = head, l = tush, m = chunks,
n = dunkin, o = brains, p = biscuits, q = toes, r = doodle, s = fanny,
t = sniffer, u = sprinkels, v = frack, w = squirt, x = humperdink,
y = hiney, z = juice.