*singing* stop the war, stop stop the war

Jan 07, 2005 21:23


It's a Friday night, and I'm at home with my mom watching Serendipity. Nice huh? It's all stormy outside, and it's actually a really nice night to be in, but then I get a DRUNK (not just tipsy, but FUCKED UP will probably pass out soon drunk) call from casey, whos on the choir tour, and a bunch of them are partying and having a really fun time while I sit at home... with my mom. Sigh. And no one is online! Jacey is, thank GOD, because I'd probably get really sad if she wasn't, but my normal online buds are all off and it makes me sad. I only have three more days at home, thankfully, and a lot to do. I'm really excited for this semester. And I get to go back and start it with a semi tan! score! And hopefully I'll have my car by the end of the month or the beginning of next, and I can start horseback riding. And I decided today that I am going to go home for spring break after all, and audition for a slew of plays that would be in production this summer. Fun, eh? La la la la la. I am SO BORED! ooh dougs not idle anymore! lets see if he responds... anyway, tomorrow im going to the spa and then up to my dads to get my ipod squared away and then home to watch the charger game! whoop whoop. and then sunday i'm going to a movie. and monday im packing. what an exciting life I do lead! Doug's not responding. sigh.

so heres a thought. theres this book out now called "he's just not that into you," and basically its a book for women and it teaches you how to hide the crazy and let the guy come after you and the main message of the book is "If he's not [fill in the blank (calling you, sleeping with you, etc.)] then he's just not that into you." I swear this book is ruining more lives than anything to come before it. Because now, instead of just obsessing about calling a guy or talking to him, etc, and then DOING IT, they are obsessing about it and then not doing it and then obsessing about the not doing it! It's worse! NO ONE READ THIS BOOK. books like this are filled with common sense things that we all know ANYWAY, and reading them over and over and over again is just going to turn us into these critical, obsessed with details in relationships people. and no one wants to date that. or be that.

so new years was fun. had a few people over to my house and we just drank and went in the hot tub. other than that i went out with jacey a few times before she went back to school, and i went to a movie with matt, and then to six flags with him and joe. that was soo much fun! we went on a tuesday and it was all rainy and stuff on the way up there, and then we got there and it was sunny and nice (but cold) and there were only like 100 cars in the parking lot! it was glorious, we rode everything that was open once and all the good ones twice. it was a lot of fun hanging out with them, they are my favorites! ok, well i'm gonna go now... and be sad on the couch... maybe i can fall asleep early. that would be the best. sleep is the best escape from reality EVER.
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