Nov 23, 2004 12:39
*singing* I am going home tomorrow, home tomorrow, home tomorrow, I am going home tomorrow, yay yay yay yay yay! *end singing*
So i havent posted in a while. I guess me being lazy is part of it, but also I have nothing to bitch about, really. hmm interesting. well lets see, what have i been up to? had the week from hell last week. Pulled an all nighter monday night to write a psych paper (which i got back today, 98% thank you very much), gave myself a little break on tuesday, pulled another all nighter wedensday night to write a rehtoric paper, which i still didnt finish, so i slept for three hours and then got up to keep writing, and then i went to the green day concert that night (awesome, by the way. highly recommended.) and didnt get home until late and got up early friday morning to take a french test. and then went home and finished my paper and then didnt have time to take a nap before initiation (YAY FOR DEEGEE) and so went to our after I activity totally exhausted. Like, i was so tired i fell asleep on the living room floor with like 30 girls in there screaming and carrying on. But it was awesome. then saturday night was awesome too. went over to sigma chi to watch the end of lord of the rings, then over to sae for a 5 minute dance party, then back to deegee to watch an awesome movie , then on a taco bell adventure and then back to sae. in my pajamas. im awesome. then came home and went to sleep! i really do need to sleep more. in fact, that's what im going to do as soon as i get back from getting fitted for my cheer uniform (belt with fringe... yessssss). and then tonight is the new friday night since this past weekend was pretty much shot, what with I and homework and stuff, so a bunch of us are going to get trashed. i'm so excited! and then tomorrow I get to go hoooooooooooooooooome.