a logic of the heart (because what does love what to do with it?) | .
A fanmix that initially was supposed to have a theme of break down of idol tropes etc but later just turned into feels and incoherence (because feelings are harder and looking for related quotes to the songs chosen: even harder).
"I’m not trying to be modest here, I’m not saying I wasn’t good, because if I hadn’t been, I wouldn’t have survived in this world."
001. Humilment brillant / Inspira
Ara som en aquell punt
on res més ens fa aparèixer
i allunyar-nos del present
i fer ho sense cap pressa
humilment brillant......quan et tinc davant.]
"So, psychologically, it wasn’t a great beginning, despite the fact that in terms of my own football, I felt great."
"I idealised everything about Pep - how he talked, his leadership on the pitch."[
002. Me sobren paraules / Antònia Font
paraules molt lletges (nyu).
paraules molt guapes (lapislàtzuli)
paraules provisionals amb es accents girats.]
“That fantastic spark of inspiration, the joy of that single instant, is why I’m a coach.”
"More importantly, I thought to myself, ‘This is one of those moments where you either jump right on the train or it’s leaving without you’."
003. Tan valent / La Brigada
Escolta als Déus i al teu sentit profà.
I tingues clar que tot això que et dic no et servirà.
No fos cas que ho volguessis cantar.
De tornada de tot. De tornada de tot
amb aquesta edat, és tan normal,
que n'haurien d'escriure un manual.]
"Xavi será un jugador difícil de poder sustituir, porque no es solo lo que es en el campo… la alegría y el respeto que da en el vestuario, su manera de ser"
“The day we dropped him off at La Masia we looked through the window of his room and he said, ‘Mum, every day when I wake up the first thing I’ll see will be the football pitch.’ That’s how he started at Barça.”[
004. Barcelona / Obrint Pas
La vida et va deixar noves batalles
prenyades del demà que ens regalares
peus descalços a les platges
amors bruts onades blanques
uns vaixells salpant del por
ti nou futur
a l'horitzó
de Barcelona, Barcelona, Barcelona...
Un dia qualsevol a Barcelona]
"In our house, when I was a boy, we lived and breathed Barça,”
“It’s not my idea to be here a long time. If everything goes well then after the end of this fourth year that I’ve signed up for, we’ll see what happens. When I quit it’ll be because these things happen in football - time wears everything down in this life. If I see that I’m in the way, that I’m running out of strength or passion, that’s the time."
005. Ningú m'espera / Mishima
Ningú m’espera
avui ja no tinc por
fa tant temps que t’admiro
però es tan curta la cançó]
"I want to enjoy it until they kick me out"
“When I arrived at Barcelona I was a totally inexperienced lad of 13. Now I have kids of my own. This has been my home for 17 years and I am proud and happy to have grown up and matured here. But now I’m 30 years old and feel that I’m watching my career slip through my fingers. I don’t have many playing years left and I have to weigh up my choices. Should I be content to finish my career here or take on the challenge of discovering other countries and their football leagues? Get to know different football clubs and new team-mates with whom I can play and compete? I have to be honest and say that I am more attracted by the idea of discovering new things.
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank presidents Núñez and Gaspart, all the directors and all my coaches who have guided me from tthe age of 13. I want to thank Serra Ferrer, all the back-room staff and my team-mates who have helped make me a great footballer. I consider myself fortunate to have played with them. I would also like to thank you too, those with whom I’ve got on well and those with whom I’ve had my ups and downs. We’ve come a long way together. I would also like to thank those fans who have supported me as a player and those who havesupported me as a player and those who haven’t been so impressed, because at the end of the day, we are all driven by our love for this club. Thank you to everyone who has helped me become what I am today.” [
006. Possible(ment) / Òscar Briz
Tot era possible(ment)
la vida havia d'arribar
hi hauria per cada moment
un paper que interpretar
El de pare exemplar
el de fill encaminat
el d'adversari en el joc
el de treballador honrat
El de ciutadà acceptat
membre de la societat
que acomplint cada paper
veu aquells somnis marxar ]
“Life has given me this present. For five years I have been able to have you close to me and enjoy the great show that these boys have given us during that time. I’ve been no different than you - I’ve been equally privileged. A little closer to the pitch maybe, but I’ll take this privilege with me. You can’t imagine the happiness and pleasure I’ll take with me.
“Thank you to absolutely everybody, especially those who have been closest to me, because every day we have been working hard so that you can enjoy watching us play. And thank you also to you in the crowd, who maybe haven’t been so close, but who have really made us feel your support.
“You should know that I will miss you. I’m the person who is losing most, but I am leaving you in the best possible hands - particularly of this group of players. The pressure was strong and I needed to ease it a bit, but you don’t need to do that - stay with us, because this still has a long way to go. I wish you all the best of luck - I’ll see you soon and you will never lose me!”.
*added two bonus because mediafire was being a dick and i did not have 8 tracks