Sep 22, 2009 21:29
Un: Why did you choose your duel partner? He seemed to be okay with me, and I don't really mind him.
Due: What is your duel partner's name? Natsuo Sagan.
Tre: Who came up with the team name? We didn't. Couldn't come in accord with anything...
And this is what I have for Asuka's info~
Quattro: What is your duel partners favorite color? Red.
Cinque: If your duel partner could be in any house what would it be? Hufflepuff.
Sei: What country is your duel partner from? Scotland.
Sette: What is your duel partners wand made out of? 12", Cedar, Dragon Heartstring.
Otto: What is your duel partners favorite spell? The stunning spell, "stupefy."
Nove: What does you duel partner wish to learn from this class? How to effectively use different spells in succession, to form a better combination that fits one spell with another, and to consolidate them effectively.
Dieci: Why is your duel partner taking this class? It reminds him of a class he used to take in his old school. It also just interests him a lot.