It seems that all I do when I'm not in school or hanging out with friends is me watching movies or TV. And, as much as I like them, it does seem a little troublesome. Tonight's films include Pan's Labyrinth (6$ at the grand) and Wes Anderson's Rushmore (Netflix).
Go see Pan's Labyrinth if you're not too squeamish/prone to nightmares. It's a trip, but it reminds me that I love the Spanish Civil War, in terms of it being a great topic to explore. That being said, Clay and I happened to go to the same showing as Carol and her friends. I fear that she may be getting ill. Actually, I know she is, since she A) said so and B) coughed on me. Ah well, so it goes. I made her promise to go to bed earlier tonight.
shakegirl, be my informant, yes?
Rushmore reminds me of how much I do love Wes Anderson. The Royal Tenebaums and The Life Aquatic are for the win. Also, he overuses the Wilson brothers and Bill Murray, but I love it so. I still need to see Bottlerocket, but all things come in time. Especially if they're in queue. Buried. Somewhere.
I find it sad that I don't update about my life - it's boring anyways, just class and the like - but rather just about the movies I see. I lead a rich fantasy life, I suppose. But maybe not rich enough! Perhaps I'll watch an episode of Firefly or Dexter after Rushmore.