Title: Both Curse and Blessing
Author: iamaslashaddict
Fandom: Spartacus: Blood and Sand/Spatacus (Starz)
Pairing/Characters: Sura, Spartacus/Sura, Spartacus/Crixus
Rating/Category: PG-13/Gen (with mentions of Het and Slash)
Prompt/Summary: Prophetic dreams where both a curse and a blessing for Sura. She'd always known her husband was destined for great and unfortunate things.
Spoilers: Spoilers for the entire series to be safe, but specifically S:BaS.
Notes/Warnings: I’ve recently been re-watching the series and got the idea for this story and it kinda wouldn’t let me go. In the show Sura’s prophetic dreams are downplayed, but in this AU she’s more aware and able to connect to those dreams than in canon. This is the set-up to a longer, multi-chaptered Spartacus/Crixus fic I want to write… if I ever get around to writing it though, we’ll see. :)
Also, as fair warning, this is my first foray into the Spartacus fandom and the first fanfic I have written in quite a while… so beware there may be questionable writing and a troublesome problem with modern-day speech in the Roman era.
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